NCDevCon 2014 Session-GruntJs - Funny Name, Awesomely powerful tool

GruntJs - Funny Name, Awesomely powerful tool

As developers we are tasked with building applications which simplify lives of our end users but how do we manage our code? How does we transform our raw code to a deployable asset? The answer to this seemingly simply question can be pretty complicated. The simple answer could be to bury your head in the sand and do nothing. You could even do a whole bunch of manual stuff but both of those options suck. A better solution is to use a task automation tool and Grunt may be the right tool for you. If your project requires the ability to transform, validate, compile, along with much more you will need a higher level tool to perform these actions. One such tool is GruntJs. In this session we will learn how to use GruntJs to build, transform and deploy a web project.

About Derik Whittaker

Derik Whittaker

Derik Whittaker is a Software Architect who specializes in all things .Net. Derik has been building enterprise systems on top of the .Net technology stack for over 14 years and along the way has picked up a thing or two about how to create enterprise scale software systems. During his 14 year career Derik has worked in many different industries ranging from Marking, Healthcare, Retail, Insurance, Automotive and Online Entertainment. Currently Derik is working for a Technology startup ( in Durham North Carolina leading their windows phone and windows modern UI application development. Derik believes that the job of a developer is more than just turning syntax into working 1’s and 0’s. He believes that our job is to produce a system which gets out of the users way and allows them to do their job better. Derik has been awarded the Microsoft MVP in C# for the past 6 years. Along with being an MVP he is also a member of the ASPInsiders group. Derik is also a Pluralsight Author with multiple course under his belt. He is a community leader, helping to organize events such as Chicago Codeapalooza, Chicago Code Camp and the Raleigh Code Camp. Outside of his day job you can find Derik hanging out with his beautiful wife Tiffany and his 2 awesome boys Brendan and Ryan

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