NCDevCon 2014 Session-High Performance JavaScript

High Performance JavaScript

Learning rules, best practices, jsLints or jsHints do not help you to write faster javascript. Because you forget them before you learn. Its not about the rules somebody tells you to follow blindly. Rather its the reasons or the process in the language that makes something faster than others.
You don’t need to be an expert to write faster JavaScript.
By being aware of how certain things work, you can write faster javascript array, loop, scope, event bubble, closure, DOM manipulation, etc. After this talk, your grandma could understand and make her own standards or best practices for you. Besides, modern tools that could make you a rock star at debugging performance related issues will also be demonstrated.
“Don’t trust a rule, trust your tool”. "Explore and ask before you jump. Don't do a belly flop!

About md khan

md khan

Md khan is a curious JavaScript developer and a frequent speaker. He helps to organize monthly Chicago JavaScript meetups. His weekends are filled with the excitement of preparing talks, writing blogs for, making videos for, or pulling out his hair to figure out how this new JavaScript library works. So, the only way, Md Khan gets enough sleep at night is to spend at least 6 hr per day in JavaScript. That could be by reading JavaScript Weekly or pushing code to github when his manager is not around. He is simply addicted to JavaScript. If you are still interested to read his job title (you might be an auto insurance agent), Md is a senior web developer at Nielsen, Chicago, IL.

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