NCDevCon 2014 Session-Rethink CSS: clean & maintainable web sites with LESS

Rethink CSS: clean & maintainable web sites with LESS

This presentation will provide the basis to build awesome web sites with modern HTML & CSS techniques, simplifying HTML and resulting in more maintainable styling. I'll introduce you to the features available in the popular CSS pre-processors, how you can use them to be more productive, and give real-world examples of how they'll benefit you. You'll learn the foundation of these techniques with the LESS pre-processor, and how to change the way you think about styling to build a better web.

About Keith Zantow

Keith Zantow

Keith is a software engineer with over 10 years of industry experience designing full-stack web applications with a variety of languages and technologies. He's implemented everything from full-blown object relational mapping systems to complete UI overhauls and always brings a unique perspective to any development team.

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