NCDevCon 2017 Session-Making your web application easier to reason about with unidirectional data flow

Making your web application easier to reason about with unidirectional data flow

You are tasked with adding a feature or fixing a bug, but as a developer working on that particular piece of code for the first time, it can be difficult to understand. You find yourself opening up many files, reading through lines of code just to determine what is being done, and then finally determining where to make a change. Can you trust that your changes will not have any unpredictable side effects? What if I told you that there's a way for us to increase readability, productivity, predictability and testability? This is what the world of unidirectional data flow with a centralized state management system promises us.

About Kenneth Yeung

Kenneth Yeung

Kenneth is a software architect at nCino ( and has been developing software for 16 years. He is passionate about software architecture, researching and implementing latest development technologies and making the process of keeping an enterprise-scale application technology stack up to date less painful.

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