NCDevCon Early Bird - 30 tickets remaining

As of right now, early bird tickets are 50% sold. That means 30 tickets sold in the last week and there are 30 early bird tickets left at the discounted price of $100. NCDevCon is the premier web/mobile/coldfusion developer conference in the region. We'll likely sell completely out of all tickets again, as we have for the last 4 years. So if you know you are coming to NCDevCon 2013, get your discounted Early Bird ticket before they are all gone.

Purchase your ticket at

Customize this Conference - Vote On Sessions

When the call for speaker ends, each ticket holder will be allowed to vote on which sessions they would like to see at the conference. We'll use these votes to put together the best crowdsourced conference in 2013. It's going to be awesome, because you got to choose the conference content!

Call for Speakers Opens This Week

We've scheduled the call for speakers to open up around May 1. So if you are a conference speaker and have an appropriate topic for NCDevCon, please submit it. You may submit as many topics as you like. The call for speakers will last about a month, then we'll open the voting by the ticket holders.


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